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The International Mission Board’s vision is not ours to fashion.

God has given his vision to the church. That vision, expressed so clearly in Revelation 7:9, of “a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation” is his vision and, therefore, it is our vision. And the IMB will seek to help Southern Baptists be an even growing part of fulfilling that vision.

Never have the needs and opportunities in our world been as great as they are at this very moment in time. By God’s grace, we have thousands of missionaries on the field and are poised to send many, many more from within our Southern Baptist churches to address those needs and opportunities with the gospel. Those missionaries deserve our full, generous, and sacrificial support.

There are many causes which every Southern Baptist can support, but there is no greater cause, no more urgent cause, no more kingdom-impacting cause than Jesus’s Great Commission cause. I believe there is no greater avenue for supporting that cause than the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

Every church has a role to play in order for the gospel to reach every nation. Let us rise to the occasion, give of ourselves and our resources, and send out our best to see that the gospel gets to the ends of the earth.

—Dr. Paul Chitwood, IMB President


Visit us at:

874 Leadvale Church Rd

White Pine, TN 37890

(865) 674-0048

Service Times:

Sunday School 9:30am

Sunday Worship 10:40 am

Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:30 pm

Wednesday Children's Worship 6:30 pm

Wednesday Youth Worship 6:30 pm​​​

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